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 Begin Your Journey To Wellness Today 

NUATAL Massage and Wellness cordially invites you to reconnect mind, body, and spirit through the healing power of touch. Our ongoing goal is to exceed the expectations of our clientele with hands-on professional service. Experience the wonders of wellness through massage and redefine your approach to health and well-being. 

This is definitely a "luxury" you cannot afford to miss.



Moments of Mindfulness: Finding Peace in the Now

Finding a place to dwell, think, or just breathe enables the conditioning of the spirit to self-reconcile. We are set up for an unquestionably serene existence when we fully accept and appreciate who we are; when we are willing to show forgiveness and grace to others as well as to ourselves. The ability to put distance between our thoughts and actions and to recognize our purpose in the here and now is a liberating and life-changing gift.

However, the greatest challenge in creating this behavior is to steadily make time during our daily routine.  Incorporating a moment of mindfulness in our day helps us to find peace and understanding with who and where we are in the now.  Acknowledging our own humanity and allowing ourselves a little grace and compassion is the beginning of understanding and loving ourselves and our truth. "Live in the Moment, Live in the Breath, Live in the Now."

Refuge to the man is the mind, refuge to the mind is mindfulness


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